Monday, 6 February 2012

Week 4_6/02/2012

Brain Dump Sketch

Previously discussed in the blog was the idea of developing the link of hierarchy and how this could be integrated into the context of the site and building program.  I began my doing a kind of brain dump of information and ideas which were running through my head and noted down the types of people from Huguenots [Immigrants] right up to Noblemen, Kings and Queens. With this I began to look at where the building program would fit into this, what kind of relationship each 'type' or 'grade' of person would have with say the performance theatre or the memorial garden.  

Semi-organised developmental ideas

With this I placed the Performance space at the top end of the scale, its somewhere the rich and royal would have attended, however the poor would have been the actors [called players in those days] of the show.  I think I was a little naive in thinking this after researching into the history now I have discovered that professionals during the 1600's would not have classed acting as a proper career that one could be trained in.  Writing plays was not respected either, Shakespeare was only respected during his lifetime for his poetry.  Similarly, theatres were not nice places to be they were vulgar and classed as places filled with 'sin', some even became brothels and gambling dens.  There were no were women actors if there was a ladies role they would have been played by men or boys.  

So maybe I can develop a modern twist on an old style theatre, it can be located in the site where it covers all levels of class and style but has the grand style which performance spaces have escalated to today, with a variety of seats and levels.  

Sections such as the offices for Huguenots and the doctors surgery are more 'skilled' careers and I would like to put these on a higher level of site to represent the Yeomen to Knights and Noblemen areas of society.  

Over the week I created a concept model to develop a massing and to include the idea of a 'space within a space' concept. 

Concept Model

The idea that the technically richer areas of the site are higher up and in larger detail stuck out as an option to me, and it reminded me of the idea of classical architecture, where stately homes are designed and constructed in a way where the ground level has large open rooms with giant fenestrations. As you work your way up the levels these features get smaller and smaller until you reach the attic rooms at the top which housed the servants of the house.  Again I was thinking about creating a 'modern inverse' on this where the skilled features are on the higher levels of the building and the areas for everyone are lower down... access for all.

Tutorial Sheet No.2

In this weeks tutorial we discussed the idea of levels in society and how cathedrals shows this in the arches hanging over the doors.  The keystone would be where God or Jesus was and as the arch folded out would eventually show the working men.  We discussed how this was a fixed structure in society and people believed that the order could not be changed, inheritance and succession was inevitable and the right way of life. 

The Barber-Surgeons Hall is located in an awkward part of the site, it has positive views onto the roman wall and the garden but it can also see the unattractive site of the Museum of London which I would like to block out. I discussed creating a double eight space around the wall which would enclose the balcony section of the Barber-Surgeons Hall.  

Over the next week I am going to look into the idea of creating spaces and forms along the line of my concept model ready for the inter-crit next week.  As well as investing the history of Shakespeare and the theatres role in society over the years.  I hope to begin planning spaces and locations of the building program. 

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