Monday, 23 January 2012

Week 1_19/01/2012

Today I met with my year and the module convenor and received the brief for this project entitled..... 'Surgical Theatre.' It is a pretty lengthy brief with lots information and details of the history of the site and the building subject.  

To me the site doesn't look particular large, so when I look at the building program list and see this HUGE list of items my mind starts to tick over how can all of this fit on the site. My first instinct is to look at all the items listed in the building program and begin to understand how they all relate to each other. There are a few odd sections to the program, such as the doctors surgery and the performance space, initially I am finding it hard to imagine how I would create any architecture which would purposely suit both in the best possible way.  

Above are extracts from the brief with the list of areas which are to fit in the site.  Over the next few days before Mondays meeting I am going to develop my knowledge of the surrounding buildings around the site and understand the scale of the proposed development. We haven't been asked for anything in particular for next week so I think research and maybe start thinking about how I am going to produce a small site model to get my head around the site. 

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